About me

My Story

My five year old daughter goes around the house all the time saying "like a pretty petunia" in the sweetest little voice.  I have no idea where she picked up this phrase.  It makes me smile every time.

Want to know what else makes me happy?

Pull up a chair and stay a while.


  1. This is the cutest site! I really look forward to seeing your creativity unfold. This is definitely bookmarked. Congratulations on a wonderful site.

  2. I just found you via Eighteen25 and stayed waaaaay to long! lol I just pinned a bunch of your posts and look forward to exploring more in the future. You have great stuff and I love your writing style. Simple and real. Love!

  3. Thanks for the compliment Tara! I hope you will come back soon and poke around a little more!

  4. Julie,
    Just found your site. I love it. We have bus driver appreciation next week and I have tried to print your precious bus driver nuggets but can not get it to work. Please let me know if there is a secret? You have a wondergul gift and thank you for sharing with others. I have to make this for 30 bus drivers and aides at our school.

    1. Marian, I would love to help. There isn't a secret...for some reason a few select people have trouble. Your computer might have a block or your printer settings might not be compatible. I am more than happy to send you the file. Just shoot me an email so I know where to send it. Thanks for visiting!


  5. I'm a homeschooling mom and LOVE this site. I came across when I did a search for Baby Jesus Happy Birthday party ideas. Am going to use your nativity popsicle puppets in my Kindergarten co-op class! And look forward to using your phonics wheel too with my little Kindergartener. He's going to love it and I haVe plenty of crafting supplies due to my failed scrapbooking hobby! Thanks again.


    1. Thanks Cheri! I'm so glad that you found me. Aren't kindergartners the very best? Love them. Good luck with your homeschooling. I'm seriously missing my little co-op preschoolers this year. They were always so much fun to be around.
