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Monday, May 20, 2013

[Prom] Corsages 2013

Oh my goodness...May has completely escaped me!  What in the world is happening?  It must be that my oldest is graduating and moving quickly on to bigger things.  And we are trying to cram as much as possible into the last few weeks of him being home.  It's exhausting.  Our last few weeks have been filled with college finals, AP exams, graduation festivities, senior parties, scholarship and awards banquets, and of course...prom!

Remember last year when I got fed up with the cost of corsages?  And I ventured off on my own, determined to create a beautiful corsage for pennies on the dollar?  Remember that?  Well, this year was no different.  Except that I am a little more experienced. 

And instead of one corsage, I was asked to make SIX!  And three boutonnieres.  Call me crazy!  I will say this though...I loved having prom on Mother's Day weekend.  The flowers were very very plentiful and in every color you could imagine.  Most of the girls in our little neighborhood were wearing some variation of blue (royal, turquoise, robin egg, etc) and a few chose coral.

We also hosted Prom dinner again this year.  So stayed tuned for all the juicy details.  So much fun!

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