We couldn't have "Elder" minionaries without their sister counterparts, now could we? The injustice of it all. Sister Missionaries are wonderful and amazing. I was actually one of them many many moons ago. I apologize for neglecting my fellow sisters in the work. But the wrongs have now been righted and it is time to get busy making some minionaries for all of your favorite sisters serving around the world. I will admit that these are a little harder to make (mostly because you can't just draw spiky hair and be done). And they take a little more colored ink (because ladies need color!). But the process is still the same. Thanks to my wonderful readers, I was able to find the Great Value version of a twinkie. And hallelujah there are no words printed on the cellophane wrappers. I can't vouch for the taste however. I have yet to eat one. I found them at my local WalMart. But they were not in the Hostess aisle. I found them in the bakery department. Go figure.

Here's the drill just in case you haven't heard...
1. Buy some "twinkies" or cloud cakes or the Great Value equivalent.
2. Open the box.
3. Print out this handy
Sister Minionary Printable. Cut along the lines.
4. Tape the minion "clothes" around each Twinkie. I like to use sticky dots
5. Punch an "eyeball" or two out of a white address label or something similar. I used a circular craft punch. Remove the backing and stick it to the Twinkie.
6. Use a black sharpie to outline the eyeball and make the goggles.
7. Use your black sharpie to add a mouth and hair, etc.
8. Mail these goodies off to the ones you love and miss!
**If you missed this male version of minionaries,
click here.